This is interesting on all kinds of levels.
They did not explore what was motivating the people who shocked themselves, but did throw out some ideas: sensation/novelty seeking, boredom, curiosity, etc.
The self-shocking was spun as preferring punishment rather than boredom, but the shocks were so small as to be hardly called pain.
I teach. This is obviously true.
People do not know how to be silent or why. This is a general issue. However, I think the younger generation has very little experience with silence. I grew up in a time and place without constant music or TV or radio. I was "alone with my thoughts" a lot. It was and remains a very comfortable place for me.
Practicing silence and being alone with oneself is a disciple.
Additionally, I have learned a couple of different types of Christian meditation. Mostly, they involve being quiet before the Lord, letting my mind loose on a scripture verse or about Jesus.
CS Lewis, quoting George MacDonald in Screwtape Letter #22.
Heaven: 'the region where there is only life and therefore all that is not music is silence'. Lewis goes on to add that Hell is the kingdom of noise.
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